Teeth sensitivity
Pain in your teeth while you try to take ice-cream or hot tea, sweet stuffs or just cold water? That may just be tooth sensitivity. Read on!

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Pain in your teeth while you try to take ice-cream or hot tea, sweet stuffs or just cold water? That may just be tooth sensitivity. Read on!

Tooth sensitivity is a curable and treatable. Here are some common causes of tooth sensitivity that you should aware of:

Taking excessive acidic foods

Too much of consuming acidic food and beverages is very bad for your teeth.

Gastroesophageal reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux, for example, can cause acid to come up from the stomach & esophagus, & may wear down teeth over time.

Receding gums

Gum recession can leave sections of the tooth exposed & unprotected, also causing sensitivity.

Vigorous brushing

Brushing teeth in a hard manner & with hard bristles can wear off the outer layer of the teeth that can cause sensitivity.

Teeth grinding and attrition

Enamel is the strongest substance in our body. But grinding teeth too much can weaken the enamel & can wear off.

Some people naturally have more sensitive teeth than others due to having thinner enamel. The enamel is the outer layer of the tooth that protects it. 

Your teeth may also, be temporarily sensitive following dental work like getting fillings, crowns, or teeth bleaching.

Speak with your dentist:

Schedule either a virtual or physical appointment at a time of your choice and talk with a dentist. 

Click on this link to fix an appointment easily.

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